Video marketing content has become the most prominent and game-changing tool that lets you connect with your audience. According to the stats, it has been found that about 82% of all users consume internet video content. That is why 86% of companies use video as their marketing strategy to increase their sales. Therefore, to prove that videos have become a must in marketing companies, we’ll present you with video marketing statistics in the following article.

10 Best Video Marketing Statistics 2024

The following section will illustrate the top 10 video marketing statistics and how multi-corporate companies utilize video marketing to promote their brand.

1. A Total of 5 Million Videos Are Watched Daily by Audience in 2024

Social media has provided viewers with an abundance of online content that they watch daily; most of it is video content. Research indicates that up to 90% of all video content is viewed on mobile devices due to their high level of convenience. The popularity of watching video content rises from the entertainment factor.

The video marketing statistics reported that the total number of videos watched daily is 5 billion. The immense popularity of video content has benefited marketers, content creators, and businesses. In addition, consumers enjoy and crave the videos’ visual, dynamic, and informative nature. This keeps them coming back for more captivating video content.

Source: Earth Web

2. Videos Are 51% More Likely To Be Shared Than Other Content on the Internet

Consumers are more inclined to share videos because they seek engaging and visual content. Marketing companies use videos as a storytelling medium to emotionally connect with their audience. It involves creating well-scripted videos that inspire, humor, and empathize with the customer’s needs. Furthermore, it drives more consumers to share video content online than other content.

According to the video marketing statistics 2023, video content is 51% more likely to be shared on the internet. Many social media influencers promote the company’s brand on various social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. The algorithm prioritizes such video content, and thus, they are more likely to appear on the consumer’s feed.

Source: Wyzowl, 2023

3. The Use of Video Marketing has Increased Brand Awareness to a Staggering Rate of 54%

With the rise of social media, you can reach millions of consumers in a short time, and it’ll effortlessly increase brand awareness. As discussed previously, videos have a higher shareability rate that spreads your brand’s name across the globe. Moreover, the real recognition comes from various consumers’ social media influence on the brand.

It also has been proven in video marketing statistics that brand awareness has increased by up to 54% with the use of video marketing. The AI-powered software Feedeo is a must for marketing purposes to increase brand awareness with interactive videos. Feedeo features AI face-to-face avatars that produce engaging videos and interact with your audience, setting your brand apart.

Source: OptinMonster

feedeo for video marketing

4. Consumer Demand for Video Content has Risen to 91% in the Industry.

The demand for video content has been increasing day by day, paralleling the rising demand for brand videos. The charm of videos is because of their ability to concisely deliver large forms of information into simple and digestible data. Moreover, with the availability of worldwide internet services, users prefer to watch video content than other mediums.

That is why the demand for video content from marketing industries has reached 91%, according to the Wyzowl video marketing statistics. Marketers are adaptive to this demand; thus, to increase their sales and boost recognition, they use videos as their best medium. Furthermore, companies emotionally connect with their audience through storytelling video content.

Source: Wyzowl, 2023

5. Marketing Companies Report that Videos are 96% More Integral to their Marketing Strategy.

Video content is a great source of visually capturing the audience and is a great marketing strategy to convey their brand to the customers. From the source of video marketing statistics 2023, marketing companies reported that video content is 96% more integral to their advertising strategies than other sources. Additionally, creating a well-crafted narrative can showcase your product and establish a personal connection with your audience.

For a company, the type of video and the platform where they are posting matters for their branding. For example, make a small yet creative video to post on Instagram and YouTube. If you want people to read your websites, add long, illustrative videos to demonstrate the product. This increases the overall brand name and conversion rate to eventually bring more sales.

Source: Wyzowl, 2023

6. Time Spent by Consumer on Landing Page Increase up to 86% with Explainer Videos

If a company wants its audience to spend more time on its product landing pages, creating explainer video content can help. It is proven in the video marketing statistics that there is an 86% increase in the time spent by consumers on the brand landing page with more explained video content. An explainer video includes the use of tutorials, reviews, and demonstration videos that guide your viewers about the product.

The above statistics explain the importance of including these explainer videos that build trust, enhance user experience, and persuade the audience. Furthermore, with Feedeo, you can create a great learning experience for your users with quality content videos. This tool boosts audience engagement through integrative lessons, accessible lectures, and tailored tours.

Source: Yans, 2023

7. Retention Rate of Videos Sky-Rocketed up to 56% on the Internet

The attention span of every consumer has decreased significantly, which is why videos have emerged as an integral part of every marketing company. These videos allow companies to advertise using storytelling that perfectly showcases their brand. Moreover, Vidyard video marketing statistics state that the retention rate of videos goes up to 56% and even to 66% on videos under 60 seconds.

To boost the retention rate on your landing pages, we recommend you make use of Feedeo by Spreading to integrate interactive feedback videos. It is an AI tool that captivates your audience by creating interactive and engaging content with well-narrative scripts. You can also access its AI avatars feature to advertise your brand, as it directly conveys your message to your customers.

Source: Vidyard, 2023

8. Live Videos are Mostly used by Marketing Companies, with a Rate of 53%

With video marketing content, live streaming your brand’s content can amp up your sales rate and boost engagement. The video marketing statistics 2023 of Vidyard reports that 53% of marketing companies use live videos in one way or another. Live streaming your product and services can get consumers’ attention as it allows more interaction, like leaving suggestions and getting additional information.

Other than that, live videos track down your brand’s analytics and build consumer trust and loyalty. Audiences can get glimpses of the behind-the-scenes and receive news on upcoming features of a product. Furthermore, the real-time nature of live videos lets companies receive instant feedback that they can utilize to improve their products and services.

Source: Vidyard, 2023

9. 92% of Marketers Reported Having a Good ROI Form Video Content

Advertising companies invest more than 25% of their marketing budget in creating video content to promote their brands. The return on investment (ROI) increases with video marketing, and 92% of marketers agree on that. These statistics were reported from the Wyzowl video marketing statistics in 2023. Moreover, companies use various social media platforms to market their videos to gain a larger audience.

More than that, marketers provide their audience with multiple explainer videos and visually pleasing content to enhance engagement. These captivating videos build a strong and emotional bond with their consumers and also increase brand awareness. Therefore, most marketing companies prefer using video content, considering it the most favored marketing tool.

Source: Wyzowl, 2023

10. There is a 49% Increase in the Growth of Product’s Revenue and Sales

We have established throughout the article that video content develops a stronger connection and trust between the consumer and the company. Moreover, videos boost your product’s revenue and increase sales by up to 49%, according to video marketing statistics. Companies can also add short video guides to deliver product demonstrations to increase customer experience.

Most marketing companies showcase their product by uploading how-to videos, and they help customers with the product’s use. One of the most used software to drive revenue and sales is the use of Feedeo. You can share the brand’s story through interactive videos and answerable video FAQs. You can even collect customer feedback, all at a suitable cost.

Source: Vidyard-Aberdeen survey

feedeo for video marketing


Summing up, we have discussed the top 10 video marketing statistics in this guide. These stats illustrate that video marketing is the most important tool in the market. If you want to boost your marketing efforts, use video marketing tool like Feedeo to increase your product’s revenue and sales. Moreover, you can also build a stronger emotional connection with your audience. This can be done by guiding them through explainer videos and well-crafted narratives using this AI tool.

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