Suppose your team has put their minds together and built a valuable product with proper research and testing. The next step is to market the product to your potential customers who are likely to buy your product. However, you will require a professional product marketing manager to make this product a hit. In this article, we’ll look into “what does a product marketing manager do”. Also, we will learn about the required skills and tools a product manager can utilize during marketing.

What Does A Product Marketing Manager Do?

As a product management and marketing manager, you should know about your responsibilities. The following section will explore everything related to these marketing managers.

1. What is a Product Marketing Manager?

In basic terms, product marketing managers serve as a connection between product development and its branding. Their role involves grasping the product’s value and transforming that information into a compelling message for existing and potential customers. Additionally, they work closely with the marketing team to identify the most attractive features of the products and devise strategies to promote them effectively.

Also, these managers need to possess a deep understanding of the company’s products. They conduct thorough research on competitors to gauge how well their product might perform upon launch. Apart from this, product marketing managers collaborate with sales teams, keeping a close eye on product sales and revenue.

2. Product Marketing Manager Job Description

The product marketing manager is responsible for both planning and marketing the product. But what exactly do they do? Read the given product marketing manager job description to understand their primary responsibilities:

  • A product marketing manager properly defines and communicates the product vision, goals, and roadmap to their team.
  • They conduct thorough market research to understand the latest marketing trends, customer needs, and competition to make product decisions.
  • Moreover, they ensure that all the requirements needed for the product are considered by developing detailed product requirements and features notes.
  • Marketing a product requires efficient collaborative work with engineering, design, marketing, and sales teams to mitigate potential risks.
  • Furthermore, a product marketing manager prioritizes those features of the product that are based on business value and customer impact.
  • Other than that, they gather feedback from customers and employees to improve their product further by making the necessary changes.
  • Budgeting plans for the whole product is essential for the business; therefore, managers also carefully manage the budget associated with product development and marketing initiatives.
  • Also, product managers plan and execute product launches efficiently, including marketing and sales strategies.
  • After launching the product, the product marketing manager tracks and analyzes the product performance using key metrics to make data-driven decisions.

3. Product Marketing Manager Skills and Qualifications

A product marketing manager should have the knowledge and experience of product management and marketing. The specific responsibilities of product managers are based on their team, their budgets, and the type of product they are marketing. Other than that, they should have the following skills and qualifications:


  • Effective Communication Skills: Product marketing manager not only create compelling product messages but also properly communicate with their team. Moreover, they should know how to communicate in written and verbal form to convey messages to various audiences.
  • In-depth Marketing Research Skills: One of the skills of a product manager is to have strong research skills to gather and interpret data effectively. Additionally, this enables them to make informed decisions about the product’s overall marketing strategy.
  • Proper Collaboration Skills: There must be a chain of collaboration between the employees and manager for product development. So, the manager needs to ensure that he keeps everyone on the same page with the sales and goals of the product.
  • Advanced Planning Skills: A must skill for a product marketing manager is the ability to plan ahead. In addition to that, this can include developing detailed marketing plans, launching strategies, and marketing campaigns.
  • Product Analytical Skills: The ability to analyze data and KPIs is also an important skill a product manager should have. Plus, they should be able to measure the success of marketing initiatives, performance, and product effectiveness.


  • Educational Qualifications: A product marketing manager should have an MS/BS degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or equivalent areas. Moreover, these qualifications help them understand the key concepts of marketing and business.
  • Previous Experience: If a product manager has previous experience in product management and marketing, it becomes easier to navigate through the complexities of marketing. Also, having real-life experience can help them face any challenges and understand industrial dynamics.
  • Technical Expert: When you’re developing a SaaS product, there is always a need for someone fluent in web development languages and technologies. Additionally, a product marketing manager should have a firm grasp of software engineering and computer science concepts.

4. Product Marketing Manager Salary

A study done by Glassdoor indicates that the average product marketing manager salary in the US is $127,639 per year. Moreover, the salaries may be higher in tech hubs and industries with high demand for product marketing expertise. The global averages vary, with factors like market demand and cost of living influencing compensation.

Furthermore, the differences among the salary estimates are due to the differences in data source collection methods. Different bonuses, benefits, and stock options may contribute to overall compensation, making the role financially rewarding.

5. What Tools Do Product Marketing Managers Use?

There are certain tools that product managers need for product marketing management that streamline their work, manage campaigns, and analyze data. Therefore, let’s dive into the following tools that can help product marketers increase their product impact.

1. Marketing Management Tool

Marketing tools help product marketing managers to create compelling interactive content and collect data on various social media platforms. In this case, your best bet is Feedeo, an AI-powered tool that lets you create interactive videos. Moreover, you can use these videos to showcase your product, collect feedback, and effortlessly generate leads. Also, you can combine various elements to your marketing videos to attract an audience and enhance your conversion rate.

feedeo for product marketing management

2. Demand Generation Tool

A demand generation tool includes marketing automation platforms and customer relationship management (CRM) software. Furthermore, various software are designed to attract and nurture leads, convert prospects into customers, and drive the overall demand for your product. Other than that, these tools systematize marketing tasks, target audiences, and track down customer interactions.

3. Collaboration Tools

Collaborative tools help enhance product marketing management by organizing tasks, timelines, and project details. Therefore, product managers can use Docuo as their main collaborative platform that streamlines their workflow. You can seamlessly collaborate with your developers and team members to co-create stellar documents for your product. This tool also tracks your progress changes and maintains a history for improvement.

collaboration tool for product marketing management - docuo

4. Competitive Intelligence Tools

Competitive intelligence tools that include tools such as SEO analytics and competitor tracking tools can assist product marketing managers in monitoring their competitors. Additionally, these tools help you understand market dynamics before launching a product. You can receive insights about your competitors and their strategies. Besides that, this helps mitigate risks and provides ample opportunities for the company’s product.

How to Become a Product Marketing Manager

You might be wondering how you can train to get a product marketing manager job, so why not follow the given tips? We have provided you with a few pointers that’ll help you understand how to become a PMM and secure a competitive job.

1. Build Marketing Educational Background

If you want to become a product marketing manager, acquire education such as a bachelor’s degree in marketing, business, and related fields. Some may prefer or require a master’s degree in business administration. Furthermore, having a degree in areas such as economics or engineering is especially useful in the field.

2. Gain Relevant Experience

You can start gaining experience from the entry-level position in marketing, sales, and product management. Moreover, you can seek internships in marketing departments to build expertise in the industry. Also, you can complete on-the-job training before you consider applying for a managerial position.

3. Develop Proper Skills and Knowledge

Your career starts when you start acquiring new skills and knowledge throughout your training and study. The most critical skill in product management and marketing is learning to create marketing content, and you can use Feedeo as your guide. Furthermore, Feedeo gives you marketing insights by collecting feedback to showcase your product performance.

4. Make a Professional Resume

If you want to apply for a job, making your resume professional is important. Your resume should contain the essential components such as your skills, qualifications, and past experiences. Other than that, you can also add the places where you did your internship. This professional portfolio can help you in the practical field and set up your career.

5. Choose a Career Path

How would you know which career path is perfect for you? Many product marketing managers begin their careers as interns in the marketing or management field. After that, you can proceed toward becoming a product manager based on the opportunities presented to you. Moreover, you can get various job posts with varying levels of seniority, such as senior product marketing manager or director.

Final Words

To conclude the article, we have answered the question of what a product marketing manager does. They simplify the product development process from planning to launching. Moreover, there are specific skills and qualifications they acquire to become a professional, one of which is acquiring technical skills.

Therefore, utilize Feedeo, a product marketing management tool, to help you market and analyze product performance. It enables you to generate engaging video content that uses AI avatars to interact with the target customers. As a result, these animated videos generate more leads. Also, you can collect product feedback to improve your product according to customers’ needs.

video marketing tool for product marketing manager

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